Legislative Decree 231/2001 – Cerved Group

In accordance with Italian Legislative Decree No. 231 dated June 8, 2001 (which states the administrative liability of incorporated and non-incorporated bodies, companies and associations – entities), Cerved Group S.p.A. has adopted the “Organization, Management and Control Model” (i.e. “Model”) by resolution of the Board of Directors.

The members of the Corporate Bodies, all Cerved Group S.p.A. employees and third parties (professionals, consultants, agents, suppliers, business partners) who, although they do not belong to the company, take part in carrying out Cerved Group S.p.A. activities on the basis of business relations, must observe and respect the Model and principles described in it.


Supervisory Body

Pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 231 dated June 8, 2001, the Board of Directors of Cerved Group S.p.A. appointed the Supervisory Body, set up with responsibility for monitoring the functioning and compliance with the Organization, Management and Control Model of Cerved Group S.p.A. and for updating the Model itself. Please refer to the Corporate Governance section for further details on its composition.

Anyone who becomes aware of violations of the Model, of the procedures included in the Model or in general of the internal control and risk management system, must promptly report them through the whistleblowing web portal available at the following link or through the alternative channels as indicated in the whistleblowing procedure.


Code of Ethics

CG and its Subsidiaries (“The Group”) has adopted a Code of Ethics which points out commitments and ethical responsibilities in the conduction of business and corporate activities. The Code of Ethics of Cerved Information Solutions S.p.A. promotes a set of values, principles and behavior guidelines which  must be entered into by The Group directors, all employees of The Group and all those who acts on behalf of The Group, whatever the nature of the relationship.

Anyone who becomes aware of violations of the Group’s Code of Ethics must promptly report them through the whistleblowing web portal available at the following link or through the alternative channels as indicated in the whistleblowing procedure.