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SEO Audit

Give all of your digital property a check-up. with our audits, your seo strategy will become impeccable

We analyse and assess your websites, online pages, e-commerce channels and apps, to check whether there are any SEO-related flaws. Our team of experts will work with your developers, copywriters and marketing team to ensure maximum online visibility.


projects conducted in the past year


average improvement in organic traffic

We analyse and optimise your online positioning

Auditing digital property means evaluating everything you have put online, how the information is laid out, and what technical and developmental elements have been employed.

An accurate picture needs to be drawn and careful analysis conducted before making any significant changes to the structure, development or content. With our SEO Audit services, you will get a clear picture of the status of each of your web assets (websites, online pages, e-commerce channels and apps).

We combine rigorous methods with experience to accurately evaluate all of your digital property, We do it through lots of work with your own departments or agencies, by liaising with developers, content creators, marketing people and any other department involved in improving online visibility.

In this way, you will be able to determine what flaws your site may have and what technical steps can be taken to improve optimisation, speed, usability and many other aesthetic and functional aspects.

Who we serve



E-commerce and online retailers

Publishing portals - mobile

B2B market

B2C market


Analyse the current state of your digital property

Fine-tune your site or app, employing a targeted strategy

Optimise each aspect, from technical points to how information is presented

Improve speed and optimisation

Increase organic traffic and SERP positioning

Correct the errors that are making your site underperform

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